Chili Crisps & Chili Oils

OK, let’s chat about something 🌶️

Through our work and community, we’ve seen AAPI food entrepreneurs pour everything into getting their flavors out there. AAPI founders have tirelessly worked to gain recognition and shelf space – constantly pushing back on the narrative that our flavors aren’t “western” enough, and often using personal finances to bring their dreams to life.

It’s undeniable that David Chang and Momofuku were pioneers in this space, bringing more attention to the household condiments we grew up with in our pantries. He’s been through the struggle and that’s why it’s all the more disheartening to see Momofuku’s recent cease & desist actions over the words “chili crunch”.

As of April 12, David Chang said that Momofuku will not enforce the trademark, so that any brand can own it. We are proud of those in our community who have spoke up and shared their stories. In a world where food unites, we believe there’s room for all to thrive without gatekeeping flavors that belong to everyone. As we stand by the side of creators who’ve been community-minded and supportive of initiatives like Welcome to Chinatown, we encourage our followers to celebrate and support the diversity of AAPI-founded brands making waves.

Let’s explore and savor the unique tastes of other brands!

Explore more brands

The special thing about chili crisp is that no two taste exactly the same! Each recipe is meticulously made with a unique combination of spices and aromatics. There are so many exciting brands led by visionary founders (many of whom we are proud to have partnered with in the past) that are bringing their own heritage and culture to life in their products — explore some of our favorites below.

Fly By Jing

Vibrant brand started by Chengdu-born Jing Gao selling popular Sichuan chili crisps, sauces, and more inspired by her home


Xi’an Famous Foods

Beloved NYC noodle shop established by Xi’an native Jason Wang cooking up tasty Xi’an noodle dishes that are known for their spicy sauces


CY Eats

Chili oil started by Christine Yi, who wanted to recreate the chili oil she loved while traveling across China for 7 years



Chili oil made by the Fung Brothers, who were inspired by the Chinese and Italian flavors they explore on their channel



Malaysian brand founded by Malysian-born Michelle Tew offering Malaysian spice kits and sambal inspired by her family recipes



Chinese American food brand, started by two 2nd-gen Chinese Americans, offering yummy soup dumplings, noodles, and sauces



Chili oil inspired by Chinese-Vietnamese flavors, started by our Harry Trinh’s (our head of design) brother! It’s Cantonese for good stuff.


Lao Gan Ma

The OG.

Shop Lao Gan Ma from a local Chinatown grocery store!

Welcome to Chinatown

Welcome to Chinatown is a grassroots initiative to support Chinatown businesses following the rapid decline in business as a result of COVID-19 and increased xenophobia. Welcome to Chinatown serves as a free voice to generate much needed momentum for one of New York City's most vibrant neighborhoods, and offers resources to launch a new revenue stream during this unprecedented time.




Joss Paper and Incense for Qingming Festival